Jul 2024



+ Sammy Rae & The Friends

London: Kew Gardens

Throughout his career, MIKA has crafted a world of gritty romance amidst the joy and playfulness of technicoloured alternative pop. With his defining single ‘Grace Kelly’ in 2007, he sold over 3 million copies worldwide, and No.1 in the UK for 5 weeks. His debut album ‘Life in Cartoon Motion’ has over 2.8 billion streams. 

Following this MIKA has released a further four studio albums, conquered Europe both with his music and appearing on various television shows, created orchestral versions of his greatest hits, and much more. In 2022 he was as an international host of the Eurovision Song Contest, where he performed a dazzling medley to 161 million viewers worldwide, and in this year performed at festivals worldwide including a triumphant set at the Isle of Wight Festival. MIKA headlines on Tuesday 9th July.

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